8 Days of Blissful Peace

So we've completed a week of peace! Personally, I have noticed I'm way less concerned with the things I cannot control. Things I can control such as my attitude, my responses and the places I convene have changed because I am actively seeking peace and the opportunity to prosper in it. Holding on to a daily scripture has truly helped me change my focus and practice what God preaches. I know the end of this road leads to abundance.

Day 8
Job 22:21

Submit to God and be at peace with Him in this way prsoperity will come to you.

It's that simple people. When negative things seem to sometimes slip in I remember to be at peace with God. I remind myself to turn to him, consult with him and most importantly listen to his command. It's not always easy to listen to God because we can't hear him in the presence of noise, distractions, opininons and guilt. Meditating on his word gives us discernment. We are instantly released from bonds of fear when we are aware of what God has granted us access to. When we focus on God and commit our peace to him we are fulfilled in ways that most don't understand. It is the peace that passes all understanding which helps us to dream more, achieve more, love and give more!

Be at peace with God. Give him what he wants from you so you can live your life to reach its full potential.

next up: Psalm 29:11


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