On Peace Day 3

Numbers 25:12
Wherefore say, behold, I give unto him my covenant of peace.

A covenenant with anyone other than God is just a formal agreement between a group of people to do or not do something. But when God extends a covenent to His people it is a sacred agreement to protect and prosper His people. My 30-day peace fast is to help me tap into the inner peace that was promised by my father. Each and every time I feel or felt myself responding in a way that wasn't God like or getting overly angry about a small thing (like being lost in Marietta for an hour) I remembered God's agreement of peace. Peace is defined as a state of calm, the absence of war, mental serenity, free from disturbances and conflict. Each day is a journey because so many people will absent mindedly project thier feelings of guilt, distrust, and fear on us in an attempt to tap into their own peace. I am learning to pray over the things that I know are going to be difficult for me because God can handle what I cannot. The word says "BEHOLD," which mean look/ pay attention to. Pay attention to the fact that God's covenenat of peace is among you. While focusing on our promises we lessen the scope of our troubles.



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