In the valley

I don't want to come off as a fair weather Christian who only writes in time of trouble, but is seems this excerpt is brought to you from the valley. The same relationship I last wrote about has caused recent trauma in my and my family's life and well being. As I focus on healing and trusting God, I come to Sheep Notes as a mentor of encouragement - not because I am such an awesome Christian but because I know the source of all my joy and where to go to replenish. As I share I must remember and remind you to focus on making God your first stop every morning - this way the need to replenish is in small daily dosages due to the firm foundation on prayer and communion every morning. Last month I completed "The Daniel Fast." It was surprisingly the best 21 days in my life. During that time I was still going through a tumultuous time emotionally and was considering a huge transition in my family's life. Despite the trials I found myself at peace and happy. During the fasting period I lost a little over ten pounds, I was thinking correctly (in line with the word of God) and was hopeful about His expected end. Once the fast ended and I went back to my regular diet (which was no diet at all) I resorted to old ways of thinking and feeling. Not because I no longer wanted to eat well and feel good but because my special time with God wasn't focus based. I want and need to get back in line with God and I continue to rely on His help as I climb my way out of this valley and hopefully to a place of restoration, peace and blessings. I will be plummeting into the book of Job (a favorite of mine) and hope to come out the same way job did. I am going to follow the Daniel Fast guidelines (all fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and water)for the next 21 days (or more)and will add a light meditation and stretch daily. Every evening before bed I read some of Job and again in the evening. I make it my business to share that I'm fasting with as many of the right people as possible because I was inspired by someone else and I love to see people grow to the next level. Tonight's reading - Job 1 Best wishes and I'll spend some time with you all tomorrow. Here's a note from Daily Word to keep you focused today: Serenity - Monday, August 19, 2013 Nothing can disturb the calm peace of my soul. Like the eye of a storm, the center of my being is a place of peace and quiet. I turn to this inner sanctuary any time I need to go apart from the world. In this sacred space, nothing can disturb the calm peace of my soul. In moments of prayer and meditation, I focus on the light within me. By gently turning within, I can achieve serenity anywhere, at any time. I am filled with the love of God. I feel the strength, wisdom, and light of God enfold me and prepare me for what’s ahead. I center myself with a simple inhale and exhale, and I rest in the awareness that God and I are one. God is my assurance that all is well. I am at peace. Live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.— 2 Corinthians 13:11