8 Days of Blissful Peace

So we've completed a week of peace! Personally, I have noticed I'm way less concerned with the things I cannot control. Things I can control such as my attitude, my responses and the places I convene have changed because I am actively seeking peace and the opportunity to prosper in it. Holding on to a daily scripture has truly helped me change my focus and practice what God preaches. I know the end of this road leads to abundance.

Day 8
Job 22:21

Submit to God and be at peace with Him in this way prsoperity will come to you.

It's that simple people. When negative things seem to sometimes slip in I remember to be at peace with God. I remind myself to turn to him, consult with him and most importantly listen to his command. It's not always easy to listen to God because we can't hear him in the presence of noise, distractions, opininons and guilt. Meditating on his word gives us discernment. We are instantly released from bonds of fear when we are aware of what God has granted us access to. When we focus on God and commit our peace to him we are fulfilled in ways that most don't understand. It is the peace that passes all understanding which helps us to dream more, achieve more, love and give more!

Be at peace with God. Give him what he wants from you so you can live your life to reach its full potential.

next up: Psalm 29:11

1 week of peace

Day 7

The Peaceful Approach
2 Kings 9:17

and there stood a watchman on the tower in Jezreel, and he spied the company of Jehu as he came, and said, I see a company. And Joram said take a horseman, and send to meet them and let him say, is it peace?

Are you walking and approaching people with peace? In this passage, Jehu was just anointed King but the present king, Joram didn't know. Jehu approaches Joram's kingdom and the guard on duty is instructed to ask if the company that approached came in peace. The question and it's ultimate response puts the offense on guard. Imagine, you're at home it's Sunday evening and the house is winding down - preparing for the work week when suddenly someone pulls into your driveway and parks. No one in the  house is expecting company so you begin to wonder who this stranger is and what they want from you. While Jehu was anointed King it seems Joram would still be in a position to wonder who was approaching and to prepare to protect his household.

My mother sent me a text recently that said, "never go to battle undressed... Pray!" When we are immersed in prayer our battles (be they known or unknown) are the Lords. We can prepare our response in accordance to our opponents approach but a healthy prayer life is the loaded weapon we need to truly prepare for battle.

As Jehu is the defensive end, he was well prepared to defend his army and the army of the lord against a king that practiced idolatry and witchcraft. The servants that were sent to ask of Jehu's presence fell in line with him - immediately converted by the love of God and his appointed servants. This says to me that Jehu's battle was one to restore peace. Had Joram repented of his ways and turned from evil he too could have been spared by the love and peace God has available to all of us.

With this passage I encourage you to think about your position on peace. Are you practicing a lifestyle that encourages a life of peace from others? Meditate and pray on this as we prepare for tomorrows passage Job 22:21.

24 Days Left: Peace Fast

1 Kings 2:33

So shall their blood return on the head of Joab and on the head of his descendants forever, but to David and his descendants and his house and his throne, may there be peace forever.

Don't you worry about revenge. The Lord is responsible for managing all people and their actions. You are responsible for managing your own actions, words and intentions. Solomon was newly appointed king after his father David passed. He was faced with the same trouble and strife that his father had to manage and was made aware that Joab killed innocent people without Kind David's consent and his punishment was death. Solomon (now king) made his army aware of the fact that the new blood shed would too be Joab's own fault due to his actions and that the descendants of David would forever find peace from the Lord.

The old testament can be hard to understand. At that time they lived by an-eye-for-an-eye and those that killed, hurt or harmed were either given instruction by God to present a sacrifice for forgiveness or were killed. Aren't you glad we live in the 21st century with full access to the throne and a promise of peace much like the one God promised David and his descendants? Because we were created with peace in us, it's wise to utilize that gift, learn to focus on God's grace and appreciate his love than to concern ourselves with revenge.

I once heard a saying, "seeking revenge against someone is like grabbing a burning coal with the intentions of throwing it at someone... you end up burnt." It's true, having a heart that desires ill will and hurt in return to others only means we are focused on those negative things bringing them to existence in our own lives. When we focus on peace it is reflected from us and impressed upon others.

Know that like David, we have access to God's peace forever. Chose to walk in it and wash your hands of the blood of sin.

What's your interpretation?

Tomorrow's scripture 2 Kings 9:17

On Peace: Day 5

Judges 6:24
(23) But the Lord said to him, "Peace! Do not be afraid. You are not going to die. (24) So Gideon built an alter to the Lord there and called it The Lord is Peace, to this day it stands in Ophrah of the Abiezrites.

These passages have been so interesting. They really push me to read through more of the chapter to get understanding because at first glance they seem to have no relation to my life. In the 6th chapter of Judges God prepares Gideon to recue the Israelites from the 7 year captivity he allowed them to be in due to their evil ways. Gideon didn't believe he was the most qualified candidate to perform the job and continued to ask God for signs to assure him these instruction were from God. When God appeared to him, Gideon was fearful and astonished at having seen the Lord face-to-face.

Reading verse 23 reminds me that God understands us. Though I say on a daily basis that I would love to have a sit down, face-to-face with God, I'm sure that when He does oblige I will be so very scared. But alas, He is our very present comforter offering his peace and the reassurance that this is just a special meeting and not your time to die.

The gift of verse 24 (and our focus on day 5) is that Gideon built an alter to the Lord and named it "The Lord is Peace." Amen. When I think of how I can do this in my life I am reminded of the peace that resides inside of me. To legitimize it I imagine my internal peace locus as an alter dedicated to God. Acknowledging that the Lord is Peace provides reassurance. In times of distress, pain, hurt and trouble - God is calm, loving, and always providing. Focusing on this internal alter has helped calm my reaction to the storm I am currently facing. It's so hard. It seems like my focusing on peace has brought about every possible storm of vigilance. I'm sure you are have experienced the same but stay faithful - at the end of this our peace will be established and the peace alter that we're building will prove to be a sacrifice worthy of Gods eternal love.

Tomorrow's scripture: 1 Kings 2:33
Be a blessing, promoters of peace.

Peace Fast: Day 4

Deuteronomy 20:10
When you march up to attack a city make its people an offer of peace.

When I got this assignment yesterday morning I didn't know how I was going to be able to use it for others or myself. Who is at war Lord? and if we are the ones attacking why are we offering peace? My phone rang and my morning was met with anger - someone is disappointed with me, wants more from me and is yelling about how I failed to make the mark. As I repeated the scripture I thought about what wars I'm in and how I can bring peace to the negotiation table. In this chapter God wanted to relieve his people of their ways by giving them the opportunity to repent before he ordered his people to attack.

I have been praying for discernment and deliverance. I find that I sometimes make decisions that are not condusive to my long term goals but are good for the moment and satisfy the need at the time. Usually these decisions come back to bite me in the butt and I'm in too deep to confidently walk away without feeling some seperation anxiety for the people, places or things that I have gotten myself caught up in without consulting God. But my father is faithful to deliver me from the wilderness noting that some people may not understand and that I might have to fight my way out. In instances like that I am reminded to first offer peace - to demand peace even and if all else fails to fight for my salvation - knowing that the battle is won and the victory is His makes it easy to exercise my faith and settle on my peace in times of war.

What is your view on this scripture?
Be ready for tomorrow - we'll be focusing on Judges 6:24

On Peace Day 3

Numbers 25:12
Wherefore say, behold, I give unto him my covenant of peace.

A covenenant with anyone other than God is just a formal agreement between a group of people to do or not do something. But when God extends a covenent to His people it is a sacred agreement to protect and prosper His people. My 30-day peace fast is to help me tap into the inner peace that was promised by my father. Each and every time I feel or felt myself responding in a way that wasn't God like or getting overly angry about a small thing (like being lost in Marietta for an hour) I remembered God's agreement of peace. Peace is defined as a state of calm, the absence of war, mental serenity, free from disturbances and conflict. Each day is a journey because so many people will absent mindedly project thier feelings of guilt, distrust, and fear on us in an attempt to tap into their own peace. I am learning to pray over the things that I know are going to be difficult for me because God can handle what I cannot. The word says "BEHOLD," which mean look/ pay attention to. Pay attention to the fact that God's covenenat of peace is among you. While focusing on our promises we lessen the scope of our troubles.


On Peace: Day 2

Today’s message on Peace…

Numbers 6: 24-26

“The Lord bless you and keep you (24), The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you (25) The Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace (26).

This one seems simple and filling. God told Aaron and his sons to bless the people of Israel by delivering this message. It’s one that you and I can use to bless others in the name of Jesus. Remember that God will never leave or forsake you and will bless you and keep you. A blessing is defined as help from God who will protect you and keep you safe in his shadow. One of my friends once assured me in the middle of a huge storm that I should be safe because God had me in a bubble and no one or thing could break through that bond. This is what it means to be kept by God.

As I meditate on verse 25 I literally think about God’s face illuminating its wonderful light upon me and treating me in way that is special. God’s grace is an unwarranted act of pleasant kindness that I may not deserve but that he delights in giving me.

And finally we come upon His peace… I wonder what the difference is between God shining his face on us and turning his face towards us. When God turns his face towards us he is directing his attention to us. Like the boat in the storm, when Jesus woke from His sleep to give the disciples his attention and demand peace over the rowdy waves, He turns His attention to us and provides us with reassurance that brings peace in His presence.

I want to encourage you to be a blessing to others as we strive to find peace together.
Be a blessing.
I have been going through it lately. Feeling insecure, lacking confidence and really unsure about the direction God wants me to move in my life. More than anything I'm expecting God to bring me peace in whatever comes my way. The peace that passes all understanding and is present during times of joy and pain. For the next 30 days I will focus on one scripture of peace each day. These are passages I've selected and you can follow too, but you can also chose your own and tell us about your experience.

Leviticus 26:6

"I will grant peace in the land and you will lie down and no one will make you afraid. I will remove wild beasts from the land and the sword will not pass through your country."
I meditated on this scripture on Wednesday and tried to hold on to it whenever I was down. While I wasn't exactly sure what God was saying to me, I repeated and read and thought it through in hopes that the message God had for me would be revealed. I was talking to someone about it, read the scripture out loud to her and she was excited by the word - said it was a blessing to her because she had been asking God to expand her territory. "Awesome," I thought as I hoped one day I would be more than a mole carrying and transferring blessings for others without delivering on my own blessings.
Digging deeper into the scripture I found that God was speaking about the reward of obedience. Where He says He will increase our numbers and multiply our crops so that we will still be eating from the fruits of the year before searching for room to allot to the new crops. In this instance granting peace in the land and giving me the opportunity to lie down without being afraid says that I have nothing to worry about (as long as I'm obedient). The contemporary English version says God will prevent us from being harmed and spare us from enemy attacks. AMEN! What an awesome God we serve to know that as we try our best to do as he says he will clear our paths of any trouble preventing us from getting to His love.

Messages like these can sometimes be confusing for me because I know we all fall short and can never do enough to earn God's grace. How then can He say if you are obedient then I will grant you peace? This must be a trick. We are eternally in God's great grace but when we are disobedient we experience a certain discomfort, a level of insanity that disturbs our glory. Listening to God's gentle instruction enables us to be under his peaceful gaze. Not like a blessing versus a punishment but the gift of the blessing (the anointing).

Every day I am pushing myself to meet His will for my life while I'm still here on earth. Remembering that in all things, God is on my side helps be to focus on the blessings and things I should be grateful for more than the roadblocks I may see because God's plan can never falter.
As you read the 6th chapter of Leviticus - be inspired to cheerfully accept the peace God has granted in acknowledging his instruction over your life.

Be blessed.