
We all get angry!

It's true things will bother us and people will hurt us. But, we cannot control everyone or everthing. Many times the reason we get angry is because we can't control a situation. We want certain things to happen that don't happen and instead of accepting it we forget that maybe it's God keeping us from that thing and we get upset.

I'm sure that feeling is temporary, as it usually is but what are we supposed to do?
Proverbs 15:18-19 says, a hot-tempered man stirs up dissension, but a patient man calms a quarrel.

When you recognize that something is bothering you - stop - think about it (pray or meditate on it) and then decide what you should do.

I know it seems like this is unreasonable. Who really does that? Who thinks before they respond? Who takes the time out to pause and breathe and act?

The bible says we change our lives by renewing our minds. We have to learn how to think as Christians. As sinners we responded in anger and out of fear. But now that we are part of the Glory we can recognize the wrong behavior and the attempts of the devil and proactively respond according to the word.

When Jesus was tempted on the mountain he responded with confidence becasue he knew what God had in store for him. That's how we should be. If God told you, that you can have whatever you ask for don't get angry when something turns out to be less than that - it just means it wasn't sent from God.

When you are actively seeking God's approval on all your actions He will make clear to you what your next move should be. He can't order our steps if we don't give him authority to lead our lives. How do we give him authority? By listeing when he speaks and DOING WHAT HE SAYS. When He knows we will listen He will direct us more actively if He knows we will absolutely do what He told us to do!

So what's the secret to staying mild mannered? Open the communication door to constantly speak with God!


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