20 Days of Peace

Day 20: Isaiah 54:10

Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you.

What more can I say to convince any of us that God, our father, will not leave or forsake us? We are in relationship with God. He is our father and will listen to and provide for us without it being warranted. His covenant is an agreement between us and Him - where he promises to provide. You have to know the power of a promise from God. He cannot tell a lie! So if God says something, it is so forever more. Not only will his love never fail us but he promises to maintain our peace - to never remove it from our make up. Yesterday I mentioned peace being born into us like one of our organs such as a kidney or lung. The same way God won't come down one day and remove our lungs while we sleep, he assures us that he will never come down and remove his promise of peace. If God promised us peace why are we depressed, stressed and disappointed? Once you meditate and know this scripture to be true in your life, for yourself there is nothing that can stop you - no obstacle too big to be defeated by God's unfailing love for you or the presence of His eternal peace!
Tomorrow's reading: Isaiah 55:12


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