Peace Fast Day 18

I know I'm behind but we're pushing on nevertheless...

Day 18
Isaiah 32:17
The fruit of righteousness will be peace. The effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever.

When I speak about change and growth, I usually mention this blog and my journey of peace realization. I tell people that I've come to know that my peace is a birthright, given to me like a rib that cannot be taken by anyone without my willingness to give it to them. While this is true, Isaiah 32:17 goes on to show that we can experience the fullness of our peace when we practice living in a way that is edifying to it's illumination. In other words, our good works will prove to bring forth fruits of peace, quietness and confidence. Beyond knowing that we own our peace, that no one can take it from us or distrupts its stillness - we have to know how to increase our overflow. This is done by being good shepherds over our lives, choosing to do the right thing and making integrity-based decisions that create calm instead of havoc.

Next reading Isaiah 48:18


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