During our final seven days of peaceful meditation I'd like to present a challenge, for myself mostly, but in hopes that you too will grow and benefit from the experience. I am excited about the hope God has given me in all aspects of my life, in turmoil and during good times. I have to believe that this restoration is directly related to our peace fast. I believe that the next seven days will be the most impactful days of our fast thus far. Today's verse, Ezekiel 34:25, is probably one of the most powerful that we've studied thus far! With high hopes of positive expectations and the determination to exponentially move forward I challenge us to all hone in on our true desires and match those thoughts with positive action words, prayer and works. As we walk and believe and turn our thoughts to God we will tap into the spirit within us to reach our goals and at least move forward in our faith. Remember the key ingredients include, meditation, prayer, the peace fast and following God, our Shepherd as loyal sheep!

Ezekiel 34:25 And I will make with them a covenant of peace and will cause the evil beasts to cease out of the land: and they shall dwell safely in the wilderness, and sleep in the woods.

Let's just begin with the first word in this sentence, AND. I'm excited because, before we know what to expect God is already adding to. I know I might sound like one of those southern baptist ministers right now but that's how I feel - I feel like God is pouring more into my cup and surely it is running over!!!!

So we already know that we are in a covenant of peace with God. We learned this a few weeks back and can rest assured that our peace is internal and untouchable. Today we are given the blessed assurance that in the midst of trouble we will remain untouched so God can make true is promise of peace to his people. The thing is, more than internal comfort and joy, God understands affliction that is fleshed based and damaging so he extends our spirit's peace to cover our earthly burdens. In addition to being internally secure in your affects and emotions for God, you have "life insurance" that protects your outer man from any thing that might have you doubt.

I was driving home from work late one night in the midst of a bad storm. I was scared but a friend reminded me that the storm couldn't touch me because I was in covenant with Jesus and that's like having a bubble around me that prevents me from being hurt or harmed. This is the kind of peace God extends to us in Ezekiel 34:25. He says that in addition to proving us with internal security he will remove the beast from the land COMPLETELY so we can safely make our way even to the point of rest. That is a blessing. Today, remember how safe you are in God's grace and let that peace guide your movements. The less we worry the more we can focus on God who's grace and mercy consistently surrounds and surprises us in goodness and in truth.


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