Peace Fast Day 11

Day 11
Psalm 37:11

I did a search on the word Meek. It literally means humble patience. Both are hard concepts for most of us to understand, let alone practice. Remembering the reward of humility and knowing that its presence breaks down walls to help us better communicate with God and others helps keep us on the right side of the track. I was thinking about a recent break-up, for me the hardest part of the break-up is wondering if my ex's next partner will be better than me. I had to remind myself that we are all God's children, no one better than the other in His eyes and all justified by the blood. This kingdom perspective helps me see the truth about myself and others, recognizing how hard we are all trying to live better lives. Seeing myself the way God sees me helps to keep me humble.

"Patience is a virtue," a term we've heard and have probably used without really knowing how it applies to us. People that practice patience do it from a place that respects moral excellence. It says, I will wait without complaining because you deserve the time you need. This is a challenge for me. I have never had the gift of patience and because I hear you have to be tried in order to receive it I rarely ask for its gift. To know however, that God works on His time and to respect His knowledge helps me find peace; accepting that His movement is made perfectly and cannot be thwarted. The psalm says that the people who can humbly and patiently accept God's movement will inherit peace AND prosperity. What a blessing.

Tomorrow's reading Psalm 37:37


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